BIAS Releases SoundSaver
NewsBIAS released SoundSaver — a new software solution for Mac and Windows computing platforms designed to streamline the process of converting and restoring LPs and tapes.
BIAS SoundSaver
NewsBIAS is shipping SoundSaver, a new software solution for Mac and Windows computing platforms designed to streamline the process of converting and restoring LPs and tapes.
BIAS Updates SoundSoap to v2.4
NewsBIAS announced that SoundSoap 2.4 - an update of the audio noise reduction software plug-in and application for Mac and Windows - is now available.
BIAS SoundSoap 2
NewsBerkley Integrated Audio Software ("BIAS") has announced the release of SoundSoap Pro 2 - an upgrade to the audio noise reduction and restoration software suite for Mac OS X and Windows.
BIAS SoundSoap Pro 2
NewsBIAS debuted SoundSoap Pro 2, an upgrade to the noise reduction and restoration software plug-in for Mac and Windows operating systems.