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Don't buy anything from this guy

  • 5 replies
  • 3 participants
Topic Don't buy anything from this guy

Just a little messgae to tell you that we caught someone trying to con other users with the classified ad section.

so far, the nicknames he used were: devilshop, infernaut, Atticshop, glory.bx, nicedreams, lostke, neurozix

Please take all necessary precautions before trading with a seller or a buyer here...
- http://www.ataraxie.net Doom/Death Metal - http://www.wormfood.fr Metal Baroque et Barré - http://www.funeralium.com Ultra Sick Doom
Came back under the name 'greattoyz'
- http://www.ataraxie.net Doom/Death Metal - http://www.wormfood.fr Metal Baroque et Barré - http://www.funeralium.com Ultra Sick Doom
:furieux: :furieux: :furieux: :furieux: :furieux: :furieux:

.......................... If somebody does not want his AKAÏ AX-80 any more, it to make me sign ...........................
I have tried to buy something that hasnt showed up from atticshop :furieux: :furieux: :furieux:
can i get any help from admin?
Cedric FLoch came back under the following nicks: nowwere, griinlite, amazzic, stranglox.

We are taking the situation very seriously here, so if you have been conned by this guy, we'll need informations from you in a short time.

@mr.sibs200: my apologies if i haven't replied before, didn't check that thread for a while... stay tuned, cause we'll probably sue this guy.
- http://www.ataraxie.net Doom/Death Metal - http://www.wormfood.fr Metal Baroque et Barré - http://www.funeralium.com Ultra Sick Doom

Moderator's message: We are currently collaborating with the police and we need to get as much informations as possible about Cedric Floch.

So, anybody that has been in contact and / or conned by Cedric Floch is asked to contact us at the following email: ftf@audiofanzine.com and specify, in the email:

- name, surname
- email adress
- snail mail + country
- amount of money stolen, precise for buying which product
- if pursuits have been started, precise which country/town/police to contact
- any other information tha tmight help us is welcome.

This is very important and can help you to get your money back !

Sincerely yours,
the AF-Team.

- http://www.ataraxie.net Doom/Death Metal - http://www.wormfood.fr Metal Baroque et Barré - http://www.funeralium.com Ultra Sick Doom