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Markbass Little Mark Tube
Markbass Little Mark Tube
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otavioreis otavioreis

«  Excellent Amp »

Published on 01/08/11 at 02:12
See other reviews, but it's a complete well head.
Very high quality.


Easy to use. No need to book.

It has good sound right away.


I do not understand the opinion not objective at all like Mouloud. I tested a Luthman, a Jazz bass and WARWICK on this amp. The sound was very very good. Beautiful sound palette. It is a premium brand with superb quality.

It is clear that his signature is a Markbass and I adore.


Tested for a month. It is a very good amp. I do not understand how someone like Mouloud be appreciated so so unfair and not objective. If he does not adjust his bass, he did not put the blame on the amp. To say that a Markbass amp quality is bad, it's absurd. To give an example, I personally think the Ampeg amps are very good, but I do not like the sound Ampeg typed. This is not my truck. This is why we will not say that the amp is not good. It is good, but not to my taste.

Markbass this amp is excellent. great sound! Super finish!