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DigiTech BNX3
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Published on 05/29/06 at 06:58
Pdalier multi-effects for bass (also works on a microphone, guitar etc.).
Sound Processing numrique
Stereo output, XLR and jack inputs, power supply included, software to assemble the tracks recorded with the pdalier on the PC, grate banks via MIDI
Level effects, all you need: fretless simulator (nice, no more), a dual-band compressor handy, wah-wah, 10 distos (based on known pedals: big muff, fuzz face , Rat, Boss DS-1 etc..) whammy, a modulator pitch (not too practical is dsaccorder, even if the more s'loigne pitch of origin, unless a ring r alist! m'enfin can give a funny effect) dsaccordage lightweight specially dyed to give your songs, octaves, bass-synth filter, filter envelope, tri-band EQ (choose frquence of the "beginners and end" of the medium), a fairly effective noise gate, chorus, flanger, phaser, delay, tremolo, vibrato, panning (for Stereo), rotary, and Yaya AutoYa (something ugly filter and wah-style, told yah bass: /), stuff o it seems that two people play the same thing at the same time (lg rately dsaccords (detune) or similar (pitch shifting)), and rverb.
Not to mention the very nice amp models and speaker cabinets (mesa, fender ...) o one can CRER new sounds in "shuffled" two amps and speakers in a MODEL; And of course the Recorder that allows you to make loops of running pace botes (rotten, MIDI, what) and record all sorts of instruments to send to PC via smart media card , Obviously not included.
For dtails, go www.digitech.com, the manual is in English tlchargeable.


The effects are easy to Settings, amps too, the whole is to take a little time to get used to the Global System of the machine. The manual is clear enough for English speakers. It is not available at this time in French, but you can try the download in German, if you prfrez on www.digitech.com. The expression is easily PDAL Settings, and what is nice is that on each preset, you can assign up to three paramtres dernire on this, as can also assign three on another button (the numro 5). Pernet which in a lot of the same opportunity (we do a pRSET by piece and it just changes the sound by enabling / disabling effect or another thanks to the four main buttons or by getting a parameter to another value with expression pedals or button 5). Not to mention that two LFOs, Fully Settings, these parameters can also grate! Trs so vast opportunities ...
Two spots: as in many multi-effects, the effects work in groups, and therefore can not make such a synthesis a whammy and a filter at the same time, and also between the micro n is active in the recording mode (it does not require you to record, but it may just be dplacer in pRSET and do not touch PARAMETERS, from the expression pedals, but is it really serious? You just know and do not cut the mic live like an idiot!).


I'm not an expert, but I find the quality good in the effects trs. I love the amp but not knowing the original, I do not say if ralistes or not.
For now, I use it with my bass and an SM57 and it works well plutt.
In terms of chantillonage is the 44 100 khz/16bits, so more than enough for me.


Should compare it with the bass pod XT pro, but even when it is 200 more expensive, and it has no 8-track recorder, and see ...
I think this may be the best multi-effects for bass that currently exists.
Anyway, from what I heard, the Boss competitor does not make weight. The V-amp? I do not know, it's really cheap, but it is the comparison?
For the record, I pay my own www.musikproduktiv.de 500 in Germany, with French section and only 10 for shipping, no tax supplmentaire! Trs good service.
The black point: when the smart media card reader passes into PC, which allows the formatting of the card be read by the BNX3 seems to be corrupt, which makes impossible the passage of samples from the PC to the card, unless is recorded in the recorder's BNX3 a CD read by a discman. Digitech could not help the above, it is possible that this is my player that is causing the problem, but this remains poorly Designed ct the m me if it's not important for Premire a multi-effects.