Blue Microphones enCORE 300 Series
NewsThe en·CORE 300 is built upon Blue's condenser capsule technology used in the studio line. It is mounted on a rubber suspension system and coupled with a phantom powered circuit specifically tuned to…
[Musikmesse] Blue enCORE 100i Series
NewsMusikmesseBlue Microphones is showcasing the en•CORE 100i instrument microphone at this year's Musikmesse.
[NAMM] Blue Microphones enCORE 300 Series
NewsBlue Microphones announced their flagship live stage vocal microphone, the en•CORE 300.
[NAMM] Blue Mics enCORE 100i Series
NewsNAMMBlue Microphones has expanded their en•CORE live stage microphone series with the addition of the en•CORE 100i, described as "a versatile and rugged instrument microphone."