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All user reviews for the SSL FX G383

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  • rrolandrroland

    The high end SSL

    SSL FX G383Published on 07/05/14 at 08:10
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Dual channel with a preamp and an extensive equalizer.


    The preamp is notched in 6 db, and EQ does what is expected of a high-end machine. It takes a little time to get their bearings, because there are a lot of buttons, but who regularly handles EQ will feel at home. Note that it is possible to use an insertion point, or to vary the input impedance.


    We are in the (very) high-end, with the classic SSL sound. No need to remove or boost 10db to hear what happens: with very few corrections, the machine can do an excellent job. Unlike many equalizers which distort a track, the SSL distorts nothing: well adjusted, it sounded even better, with a smal…
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    Dual channel with a preamp and an extensive equalizer.


    The preamp is notched in 6 db, and EQ does what is expected of a high-end machine. It takes a little time to get their bearings, because there are a lot of buttons, but who regularly handles EQ will feel at home. Note that it is possible to use an insertion point, or to vary the input impedance.


    We are in the (very) high-end, with the classic SSL sound. No need to remove or boost 10db to hear what happens: with very few corrections, the machine can do an excellent job. Unlike many equalizers which distort a track, the SSL distorts nothing: well adjusted, it sounded even better, with a small side "magic" impossible to achieve with a plugin. Even the SSL Duende (which I appreciate yet) does not hold a candle to this FX383. There is an enormous reserve of gain (72 dB!) So that we can use this machine even with ribbon microphones.


    I use it for 30 years, with renewed pleasure every time. I can not make battery taken without regard to dual channel. The price was tough at the time, but it pays for itself over the years: the price ounlie, quality remains.
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