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BBE Opto Stomp (Plugin)

All user reviews for the BBE Opto Stomp (Plugin)

Software compressor from BBE belonging to the Stomp Ware series

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  • moosersmoosers

    BBE Opto Stomp (Plugin)Published on 10/14/10 at 17:06
    The BBE Stomp Ware Opto Stomp is a compression plug-in for guitar that is part of the BBE Stomp Ware bundle of plug-ins. This bundle is software versions of different guitar pedals and is quite inexpensive and comes with a lot, although I'm really not to big a fan of the sounds. As far as installing the plug-in and the bundle as a whole goes, this process was easy and there should really be nothing noteworthy about it as long as you've got the right compatibility. Using the plug-in is incredibly simple, as it's just got two parameters for output and threshold. Basically, threshold will control the amount of compression wanted, and output will act as a gain makeup for leveling out the si…
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    The BBE Stomp Ware Opto Stomp is a compression plug-in for guitar that is part of the BBE Stomp Ware bundle of plug-ins. This bundle is software versions of different guitar pedals and is quite inexpensive and comes with a lot, although I'm really not to big a fan of the sounds. As far as installing the plug-in and the bundle as a whole goes, this process was easy and there should really be nothing noteworthy about it as long as you've got the right compatibility. Using the plug-in is incredibly simple, as it's just got two parameters for output and threshold. Basically, threshold will control the amount of compression wanted, and output will act as a gain makeup for leveling out the signal. That's everything you need to know about Opto Stomp, so as you can tell it's very easy to use and a manual shouldn't be necessary unless you're having troubles with the whole bundle or another plug-in in the bundle.


    The system that I'm running the BBE Stomp Ware Opto Stomp plug-in on is Pro Tools LE based. Before I even mention my specifications, I will say that these plug-ins take up very little processing power. I'm running this and the rest of the Stomp Ware plug-ins on my Mac Book Pro that contains 4 GB of RAM and a 2.2 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo. I run Pro Tools with a Digi 002R interface or a Digidesign Micro Box if I'm on the go. This has been more than enough for me to run this plug-in comfortably...


    Unfortunately, I can't say that I'll be using the BBE Stomp Ware Opto Stomp again anytime soon. While it does the job of a compressor to a degree, it's not very flexible at all. I've only used it on electric guitar since that seems to be what it's designed for, and I just didn't like the end result. My guitar sounding crunchier and not in a good way, but very digital sounding. A lot of the plug-ins in this bundle come off that way to me, but some can offer some useful sounds and it's still at a dirt cheap price. Even so, I'd say the money is best spent on a single compression plug-in like a URS Classic Compressor...
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