278 videos
Mic Shootout: Neat King Bee Vs Sm57 On Electric G…
Craig Anderton On Neat Microphones By Sweetwater
Mic Shootout: Neat Worker Bee Vs Blue Spark On Ac…
How It's Made - Neumann U87Ai Microphone
Classic Neumann Mics - Exposed
Record Classic Vocals With Warmth & Presence | Ba…
The Studio Mic Of Choice For Modern, Crystal-Clea…
Detailed, Transparent Sound For Your Studio | Spa…
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[Namm] Aston Starlight
Slate Digital Announces The Virtual Recording Stu…
The Sound Of Oktava Mk102 Mk103 Mk012 | Alberto C…
The X1 A Condenser
Découvrez l'AE5400
Re: Stacks - Warm Wa12 - Oktava Mk-319
Candless - Summer Wind
Review Aston Spirit
Tom Penaguin - Galaxy on Tape
ND Series Microphones
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