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Collective Spirit - 5th Edition

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  • 2 participants
Topic Collective Spirit - 5th Edition


Recall of facts...

First edition :

MrKermit / Darkouz / Diabolo - Hiden spy

Second edition :

Mwalll / Diabolo - Whispering
MrKermit / Northfake - Fakermit

Third edition :

a.k.a / Decrep_fanfan - Rouge redoutable
MrKermit / Sir kouni - To the East
Northfake / Diabolo - Diablake
Black_Wizards / Diabolo - Notch
Mwalll / Yecqo - Os à moelle

Fourth edition :

Reset / Diabolo - Stana
aka / Oboreal - Brulis Lunaire
aka / Oboreal - Nataselah
Psyx / Lucarne - Juste en dessous
Jeangusyoung / Northfake - L'ironie du 8
Mwall / Jeux - Moi je
Mr kermit / Cyclyk - Pin pong tree

Collective track's idea is this one :

Duoes, drawn lots, must produce a track together at restricted time.


=> In order to merge miscellany styles, influences, gears... To experiment others styles we are used to play.
=> To teach working with pressures of time, of different environments.
=> To have and to make share a feedback about methods, problems, ect...
=> And for pleasure of making sounds with other people.

Here is the concept!

Inscriptions for the 5th edition are opened until Tuesday, May 13th.

In order to participate, juste leave : name / competence / personal ftp Yes/No

And i start :

Diabolo / Synth / Yes
Come on world! Are you afraid? :???:

Actually we have 13 people :

Nickname / competence / Personal FTP yes/no

diabolo / Synth, samplers, effects... / yes
reset / Singer, guitar / yes
Mwall / guitar & Bass / yes
Mreumreum / guitar / yes
Yecqo / guitar & computer / no
niconu / computer, guitar, singer... / yes
MrKermit / glockenspiel, guitar... / no
a.k.a / guitar, computer / yes
-marmote- / voices, guitar / yes
Northfake / strange voices & guitar / no
Arnice / computer, synth, guitar / Ftp perso : yes
8.5 / guitar, bass & voices , drums (computer) / no
decrep_fanfan / guitar, programmation, bass, ukulele / ftp yes
I'll cross the oceans to play with you !! :lol:

(ps : I'm more like a keyboard player and button pusher (or mouse "clicker" if you prefer), than a guitarist...)
Tadaaaaa !

The story of the mysterious butterfly's flight (in collaboration with Psyx) :

Part 1 : The mysterious butterfly's flight
Part 2 : The mysterious butterfly's dream

you can go here for more details (in french) :
Collective spirit (5th season)