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Opportunity Knockin' - Raw N' Uncut

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Topic Opportunity Knockin' - Raw N' Uncut
Yoo!! Wussup Future Producers!!! 

This is Philly Phil just coming to let ya know about this crazy contest I came across. It's called Raw N' Uncut and basically its a contest being run by super producer Ty Fyffe who's coming out with a compilation album. The winner of the contest will be featured on the album and by DJ KaySlay, which will premiere it on his radio shows.

So if you got talent I say this is your chance to be heard and get yourself out there! You can go to their website for the "official" rules and stuff. Myspace.com/tyfyffepresents or tyfyffe.com

[ Post last edited on 01/22/2010 at 12:29:22 ]