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Tv audio throught audio card ... possible?

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Topic Tv audio throught audio card ... possible?
Hello everyone :)

im wondering if theres any way to deliver audio throught hdmi Arc to pc to be handled by sound card (ae-5 in my case),

this new tv's are a bit silly because lack of audio connections to let u buy premaid sound system from the manufacturer or something like that, in my case i just have arc hdmi (wich is already connected to pc as second monitor because using other hdmi i have a big quality loss with 4k hdr videos and its non sense) and optical out the square one...

now...how the hell i can use my audio card to process audio to 5.1 system?
only thing i can do for now is connect tv via optical cable directly to the mini amplifier of my edifier C6Xd but im forced to tramsmit in pcm so just a stereo signal on 5.1 system..well quality is of course much much better than 40w speakers of my tv but i loose completely every kind of spatial audio.

Probably theres some dac\amplifier i can use to connect both AE5 5.1 channels and tv hdmi and then connect it directly to speakers bypassing edifier ampli but...every time i use tv as second monitor (daily) i have to switch hdmi cable from dac to video card.... also doing this i cant use ae5 functionality to improve audio quality creating a profile for this specific situation...

I really cant find anything on google similar to what i want to do so....i hope someone more expert than me can at least give some advice, most important thing is dont add other tons of cables and switch between pc and tv audio easily without go under the big table to switch tons of cables hehe

I suppose theres no way to use optical port on ae5 as input instead of output , i cant try it because my optical cable isnt long enough hehe