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Thread Creative ZEN MX 16Gb MP3 Player [Playlist & Storage issues]

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Topic Creative ZEN MX 16Gb MP3 Player [Playlist & Storage issues]

I'm having issues with my old Creative Zen MX mp3 player, when trying to upgrade from 16gb internal to 128gb external.
All issues concerning external memory / management. I'll try my best to keep it short.

- Each time I go in my external SD Card from the menu it goes "connecting... please wait..." for 1 very long minute.
- Next step I go to music and the player asks to create a library. If accepting, it will do it's thing for 20 more very long minutes. If you don't accept you can't access your audio library / files.
- Still in this SD section, within the ZEN music "explorer", when you finaly made it here, you can't browse your folders...
- After adding files to your selection, you can't access the create playlist option.
- If you reboot / turn off-on / unplug the device you'll get back at first issue.

At this point I was considering tricking the device with symlinks from internal memory leading to sdCard folders but I couldn't as the player don't seem to handle symlinks.

How come this external memory management has so much flaws ? What were they thinking ?
Is there a way to stop this "library" creation behavior ?
Is there a way to force symlink creation in this device ?
Is there any kind of "os" switch/patch for this device ?

[ Post last edited on 10/13/2021 at 09:14:17 ]

Hello, I just edited my post for better clarity. Might aswell give it a little bump. Still hoping someone from creative or any other genius can give a hand. Cheers.