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Moog MF-104M Analog Delay

The MF-104M recreates the sound and vibe of the Classic MF-104.

 It uses the same “Bucket Brigade” delay chips found in the original, which provide 800ms of analog delay.



A new 6 Waveshape LFO is designed to expand the sonic capabilities of this Classic Analog Delay.


The Spillover Mode of the MF-104 is now included in the MF-104M. A dedicated Tap Tempo switch lets you tap in your Delay Time or LFO Rate, and the addition of MIDI brings a new world of control and function to the MF-104M.


Rear panel features include CV/Expression Pedal inputs which provide control and manipulation of Time, Rate, Feedback, Amount, and Mix. You can connect Moog EP2 expression pedals to any of the CV/Expression inputs to control functions, or connect other Moogerfoogers and create new effects.


Additionally, the Feedback Insert allows you to patch in other stomp box or outboard effects onto the delay line.



The MF-104M will be available for a limited time.


Visit Moog Music for more details.


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