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All user reviews for the Hewlett-Packard pavillon 415 fr

Desktop PC from Hewlett-Packard

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  • thorfin666thorfin666

    Hewlett-Packard pavillon 415 frPublished on 01/17/08 at 10:47
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I've had 5 years and I served for computer music.
    It's good enough for computer music but you have addition of ram (256 MB purchase).
    Yes, and an Asus Compaq (I regrete much from this one).
    I had 600 euros is the era that now would exssif for Atlon 2000+. ^^
    Not at HP cart chaufe it a lot and that the case is not at all convenient to chang the PSU for example.

    Original Configuration (if I souvien me well because I prsque change everything)
    Ram: 256 MB (2 GB max)
    Graphics: Gforce MX 220 64 MB (256 MB 6200 suporte the meaning problem)
    Sea Map nforce 2.
    Hard Drive: 40 Go.
    CPU: Atlon XP 2000+ 1.66 GHz.