TopicPosted on 02/08/2004 at 15:09:02cool edit pro by syntrillium software
Hey...does anyone have cool edit pro?
I think it's great stuff...however id like to know if i could set up a home studio with it. I can't find a digital mixer that is compatible with it or i dont even know if i need one... please help me
New AFfiliate
Member 21 years ago
2Posted on 02/27/2004 at 06:15:14
I have and have used Cool Edit Pro. Yes it can be used as a total studio, and has a lot of built in filters and FX. I like to use Sound Forge after mixdown to make fine adjustments.
I don't use it to record because I have a Boss BR 864, but I find it a lot easier with the computer software to edit out breathing in the vocals or to add compression, or to detail some EQ etc.