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Yamaha 01V96 V2
Yamaha 01V96 V2

Digital Mixer from Yamaha belonging to the 01V series

Tralala4 Tralala4
Published on 04/03/08 at 09:48
- Is the rack? yes and several rack and boxes exist that are well made.
- How many lanes, bus attendant, departures, returns ...)? cf manufacturer specifications
- What is the type of connectors (RCA, Jack, XLR ...)? All
- The parametric equalizer is it? yes
- The effects section is it integrated? ... yes and the best

For digital consoles:
- What is the accuracy of the sample (bits / kHz)? cf manufacturer
- Automation is supported? yes
- What type of sync are supported? ... word clock ...


- The general configuration is it simple? This is a digital console and not analog! So in the heat of live there need to stay focused!
- The usual functions are they easily accessible? Over time yes but you have to practice regularly.
- The manual is clear and sufficient? ... As always with Yamaha


- The A / D and D / A are transparent? So here we enter the heart of the matter! These converters are simply fabulous, transparent, efficient ...
- Effects and filters are effective? I suggest you test the EQ and see. It's pro ...
- The dynamics are respected? ... Everything goes together! Converters, preamps ... everything is right, clear, no breath, how do you say?


- How long have you use it? A year of intensive use (multiple disks made and live recordings as well)
- What is so special that you like most and least? Plus: routing with virtually limitless. The least: ergonomics really digital (menu, submenus ...)
- Have you tried many other models before buying it? N12, ONYX, ALESIS, 02R ...
- How would you rate the quality / price? After comparison with more expensive machines I do not know how they do with Yamaha to calculate their prices? It is a machine comparable to other more typical "pro". In addition it is a rock-solid. Provided it is in flight it still works. I forgot! The mLan that I brought up above (Special Yamaha FireWire card) is a monster of stability. Never a crash! What could be better?
- With experience, you do again this choice? ... I am even willing to stoop to all again.