DigiTech Whammy WH-4 - " a pedal just fine for a unique effect."
translatedWe do this more. Everything has been said below. UTILIZATION Yes it is simple to use. A knob that lets you choose the effect, an on / off switch that turns on the fact, with the pedal to open or …
DigiTech Whammy WH-4 - Jimmy_Kane's review
translatedDiffrent full of modes, one for its price in no complaints at all! An expression pedals a little hard and is not very strong, I think ... I put 9. UTILIZATION Nothing to say except that I find …
DigiTech Bass Synth Wah - Clebardman's review
translatedOnce modulation numrique but this time (beeerk. ..). 7 modes including 2 duplicates (roughly the inverse of the Previous ... get tired at digitech) 2 outputs, one classical and one just for the t…
DigiTech Grunge - Clebardman's review
translatedEdit: Good j'retape all the advice a friend has just let go with my pseudo-_- Okay so first the pedals is ugly. It is said. APRS good ben two outputs, a simulation hp 4 * 12 inches, practice stud…
DigiTech Death Metal - marco_fot_hxc's review
translated4 potentiomtres: Volume / Bass / mid / high (no gain) What is of note is that this ct rglages of legalization can go from one extreme to another (probably because the pedals uses filters). I hear y…
DigiTech Bad Monkey - xabi4's review
translatedType overdrive pedals, I think an analog a jack inputs and 2 outputs (one with dry signal UTILIZATION Very simple configuration, we find easily (s) the appropriate no manual, but examples of …
DigiTech RP350 - n'golo's review
translatedUsing the formula: t just adjacent said! UTILIZATION Direct sound: I went out and in (table) XLR, if phantom power could be had using s'aurait t really the top. the manual? What manual? ha-haaa…
DigiTech JamMan - fred&co's review
translated- 2GB memory is prs of 6.5 hours of recording. - Quality 44.1 kHz, 16 bit mono. Sampling 24 bits. - 99 loops per card compact flash. - USB 2.0 - Between instruments jack 6.5: 1 MOhm. - Ma…
DigiTech RP50 - Nb223's review
translatedT explained everything I think. I put 9 because bcp opportunities but lack qqs such kind of dist. UTILIZATION The configuration is relatively simple, after a momentary known to use the pedals its…
DigiTech Bass Synth Wah - joelatouf's review
translatedThis is a full-pedals with filters, and self-wha ... numrique it's ... I like the not too numrique. I think it's still a bit cold. branch is the instrument of a ct and comes out the other ... …
DigiTech XP100 Whammy Wah - Hawkai's review
translatedIt is especially good for our answer and deceive Spawn-X. Normally I confess that I find really unnecessary to give ratings so low and break a gear (except when really there is nothing keeping goo…
DigiTech Brian May - Red Special - talisker400's review
translated7 DDouble types of effects for 14 possible sounds of bass tubes queen, We Will Rock You, Winter's Tale, brighton rock, etc ... UTILIZATION The configuration is simple but the buttons are difficul…
DigiTech GSP1101 - Han Solo's review
translatedTrs full at the amps and pedals simus, lacks a simulation Orange for me. Trs complte connection with the possibility of insrer in an existing configuration. UTILIZATION Getting started could not …
DigiTech DigiDelay - TedLaRevanche's review
translated4 types of delay. Up to 4 seconds tap tempo, reverse numrique delay. UTILIZATION Config very easy to use. tap tempo not easy to use. must be left down the pedals of a second and then ty…
DigiTech Whammy WH-4 - Tiger foods's review
translatedCHARACTERISTICS see others, it's the same UTILIZATION Using super simple, not really need the manual, transformer provided good pdalier super heavy and stable top quality while mtal color red F…