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DigiTech Death Metal
DigiTech Death Metal

Distortion from DigiTech belonging to the X series

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marco_fot_hxc marco_fot_hxc
Published on 08/28/07 at 06:19
4 potentiomtres: Volume / Bass / mid / high (no gain)
What is of note is that this ct rglages of legalization can go from one extreme to another (probably because the pedals uses filters). I hear you can by, for example turning compltement low or, alternatively, add a max. It has a ct INTERESTED.

Note that the pedals has 2 outputs: 1 FOR the amp and the other between prvue to live in a mixing desk (and simulating a 4x12 seems prsence it). Trs honntement, the output line has little intrt
: The sound is not enough and I cram (question of taste and can be SETTING THE lack of me).
In résumé: efforts made (+ knobs powerful dual output), but lack of adjustable gain. Well ... 6 / 10?


The usage is simple: one connects -> we play!
L o a plot thickens (and given the comments of aa previously laisss dgouter in more than one!) Is rglage ct. Attention, we understand well: there are only 4 knobs so it's really not complicated to run and listen! But ... ilfaut time to find a sound that is in line with its skyscrapers, its style of play, the amp etc. ...
The manual provides many rglages but the names are not explicit and, like all pre-rglages facts, does not ring with the gear they utiliss them and especially c ... is based on the feel of each!
In résumé: no head-taking the logical but a little good will ncessaire. 7 / 10


This PDAL filled out its rle my opinion. It dlivre much much gain but just grate the amount of gain over the volume of pickups guitar. If there are knobs for volume and good performance microphones has posed no problem!
For example, I play in a hardcore punk band (with a lot of parts mtal). I have a universe (UV777PBK), a bandit 112 in a 4x12 marshall branch (rather marshMal) and a Boss DD6. My guitar volume knob is never above 5 or 6 except for the solo (10/10 particular because of the tapping and sustain!)
My rglages:
- On the PDAL: Volume = 3-4, Low = 8-9, medium = 5-5.5; Aigues = 5
- On the amp: Canal clean => Volume = 3, Low = 8; Mediums = 4 6; Aigues = 5 6.5
resonance = 7.5, T = Dynamics August 7
Without EXAGRES, what adlivre bury a lot of people (it's pretty violent!).

The note is quite personal and adquate comes to style, but to have it tested in solid areas (HxC, Punk, Rock, Trash, Death, Prog and even for solos funky pieces!), provided we know the master ca balance so well: 7 / 10

NB: only 7 because it's true that it causes a lot of feedback.


It's been 2 or 3 years now I use it ... I had a t I o PERIOD dgout left unchecked because I had enough and I found her draft. I test a lot of other distos (MetalZone, JackHammer, DS1, HeavyMetal, those in GT6 and stuff of all kinds), but the one for me a lot in the end.
Ct qualitprix I think we found there carrment well. it's worth to have it below the elbow for its price (compared to a MT2 frankly that costs more)

I do it again but I confess that choice prfrer my other pedals: a Guyatone MMX Metal Monster (which is top but ... break! Sniff)

I also want to dnoncer a certain attitude of the guitarists who have tried and dclarent "pedals this is rotten ... it is worthless ... the sound is dirty." Once again I gots the BPS and the colors do not discuss the quality of play ... a little dj!
Sr is the pedals do not forgive but must first question before proposing to hold one might almost be described as defamatory (ah. .. if I was working with such people Digitech I tell them ...)

In résumé: a frankly honnte pedals that provides a big big sound