M-Audio has updated Torq DJ software to version 1.5.1 for Windows and Mac OS X.
This update features several bug fixes and workflow enhancements based on user requests from the Torq community, according to the company. Torq 1.5.1 is a free update for all Torq 1.5 customers.
Fixes and Enhancements:
- Snapshots created in Torq 1.0.7 now load properly in Torq 1.5.1.*
- There is now an option in the Behaviors Preferences for enabling and disabling the Track Load Warning messages.
- Speed Slider Range can now be set to 4%.
- The Speed Slider Range is now remembered when quitting and relaunching Torq.
- It is now possible to sort playlists by clicking on the various categories in the File List (i.e. sort by BPM or Artist). Click RESET to return the playlist to its original order.
- Resizing columns in the File List no longer causes the remaining columns to change size. A horizontal scroll bar will now appear if the columns are stretched beyond the width of the File List window.
- You can now specify the target dB for the Auto-Gain feature using the drop-down menu in the Audio Preferences.
- Instant Doubles now copies the Gain setting.
- Dragging a song from a Deck onto the Overview waveform of the opposite Deck no longer causes the song to start from the beginning.
- (Mac only) When dragging a song from one deck to another for Instant Doubles, the song name is no longer hidden behind the Scrolling Waveform.
- The Cue button now works under External Control.
- Switching to Absolute Mode while a Loop is active no longer causes Torq to ignore the Loop Out marker.
- Fixed an issue with the Cue Exclusivity preference.
- MIDI Learn now works for the MIDI I/O button (for transmitting MIDI Start and MIDI Stop to external devices).
- The Schaffel Mode button now retains its state when quitting and relaunching Torq.
- You can now manually enter a Global Tempo by holding SHIFT and double-clicking on the Global Tempo display.
- The Double/Halve button will no longer function until analysis of a song is completed.
- The Save feature now remembers the last directory used.
- If you select a song in the File List while using Max Browser view, that song will remain visible in the File List after exiting Max Browser view.
- The sort state for the File List is now remembered when you change sources in the Browser.
- Full VST 2.4 support on Mac.
- The level meters not longer stick in certain Effect signal path is clipped.
- Alternate iTunes Library Location: It is now possible to specify the location of an iTunes Library, including a library stored on external drive.
- MIDI Stop: There was an omission from the Torq 1.5 manual. While the manual does explain that clicking the MIDI I/O button in the Toolbar will transmit a MIDI Start, it failed to mention that holding SHIFT while clicking the MIDI I/O button will transmit a MIDI Stop.
- Clearing Tempo Anchors: There was a discrepancy in the Torq 1.5 manual. The manual mistakenly stated that if you hold SHIFT and click the BPM display on a Deck, the tempo would revert to the original and all Tempo Anchors would be cleared. To properly clear all Tempo Anchors from a song, hold SHIFT and double-click the BPM display, then press Delete to clear the BPM. You will then be prompted if you wish to clear all the Tempo Anchors. Click “Yes” to continue.
* Phantom Snapshot: Mac users may find that, after installing Torq 1.5.1, there is an “extra” Snapshot in their Snapshot list. This Snapshot has no function and can be deleted.
Check out www.torq-dj.com for more info.
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