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DIY Keyboard/Synth and studio Monitor dust cover

  • 2 replies
  • 2 participants
Topic DIY Keyboard/Synth and studio Monitor dust cover
Ok, so a while back I needed a number of dust covers for my keyboards and a pair of Focal studio monitors. A neighbor of mine knows a lot about sewing in general, so with his help I got them all ....home-made! I documented the process along the way as 2 DIY videos. In case if you'd like to make your own, these videos might give you an idea.

Keyboard dust cover:

Studio Monitor Dust Cover:

I might need to do this. Dust is definitely collecting on my equipment.
Quote from DJ:
I might need to do this. Dust is definitely collecting on my equipment.

I liked it so much that I ended up making more for all of my keyboards. I'm not a DIY person, so I definitely couldn't do this on my own. If you're good with stuff like this, or have some help , you'll really like the result.

You can see more pictures here: