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Tama Iron Cobra Double Kick Powerglide
Tama Iron Cobra Double Kick Powerglide

Double Bass Drum Pedal from Tama belonging to the Iron Cobra series

rocknrollbabyyy rocknrollbabyyy
Published on 08/24/07 at 08:07
-How long have you use it?

I use the pedals for a little over a year and this, Manir intensive!

- What is the particular feature you like best and least?

There are several features that make this truly indispensable accessory pedals, the lgret the precision in the feet, strength etc etc ... The only small "inconvnient", the ds to the springs creaking .... But it's really to find a inconvniant if I do not see ...

- Have you tried many other models before acqurir?

j'hsitais between it and the one gibraltar Janus, then my choice was made by chance on the one I have to say ... the "prestige TAMA" certainly influenced me. ...
- How do you report qualitprix?

Then it sr, the pedals is a great quality ... sr ​​But it is one of the most pedals Chréa (Axis Sonor and cards) although this time o j'cris she probably price drop ... When I bought it it cost 370 and instantly it's a bit painful to such a sum dbourser but frankly your exact worth the blow ...

- With the exprience, you do again this choice? ...

Yes hsiter without a moment!