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Washburn D97 LTD

All user reviews for the Washburn D97 LTD

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Value For Money : Excellent
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  • MontagnardMontagnard

    Washburn D97 LTDPublished on 09/08/05 at 02:24
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Manufacturing: I do not really know where it is manufactured because of its certificate of authenticity is written there it was verified by two controllers luthiers at Washburn in Chicago, Illinois. But logically it is made in North America if it was checked at Washburn.

    Number of frets: 19

    Channel adjustable rectangular very thin but very stiff. It is a folk Rican.

    With the utmost neutrality and taking into account its price ...


    The neck is very thin and mostly it is perfectly balanced and not as some Epiphone Takamine that at some low prices, have a handle too heavy. By default it is against her, no doubt, its stiffness. With AC you will have calosités impr…
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    Manufacturing: I do not really know where it is manufactured because of its certificate of authenticity is written there it was verified by two controllers luthiers at Washburn in Chicago, Illinois. But logically it is made in North America if it was checked at Washburn.

    Number of frets: 19

    Channel adjustable rectangular very thin but very stiff. It is a folk Rican.

    With the utmost neutrality and taking into account its price ...


    The neck is very thin and mostly it is perfectly balanced and not as some Epiphone Takamine that at some low prices, have a handle too heavy. By default it is against her, no doubt, its stiffness. With AC you will have calosités impressive. But at this price level is ca correct. It's not a guitar for beginners.

    A Dreadnought is a dreadnought ca it has no cutaway so you can not make an agreement barred after 10 or 11 th box. But the rest moved ca.

    Ergonomics for the last thin I am is I want to reiterate: it is perfectly balanced.

    Finally I arrived and it is its major asset. SOUND, SOUND, SOUND, which is very blues, rock, folk and of course a bit I mean a little jazz, gypsy jazz, ect ... It halucinant, it's a spectacular presence exeptionnelle and not muffled. She has a very good sustain. Properties of low fat and crystalline highs all well balanced.
    In my note I always consider the price.


    Predominant style: Blues, rock, country and folk.
    My taste's worn on the Coltrane jazz. Jazz comtemporary U.S. property.
    What I hate most I think it's the indy that I find too incohérant even though it is hard work, I find it far too dissonant.
    I do not understand why I am asked to note if it suits my style.
    I must "m'autonote"? Tennez just for that I put a 10 and voila!


    I use it for 2 years I bought used 450euros in perfect condition.
    It feature I like most is her extraordinary!
    It feature I like least is the stiffness of his neck.
    Oh has a particular price level but if I bought it for its sound. When I buy a scratch me my first reflex is to listen to his strings. I can assure you is that there are many frauds and many "small" makers deserve more recognition. For a musical instrument is above all the sound and PRECISION. Mouth and for me a mere detail.
    I play electric too also this is where I started, but a program of folk with a limited budget and who loves the blues, rock and folk would be delighted. With its large sustain.
    Always with the more neutral I put an 8 and if the handle was not as steep I will have made a 9. Remember that this guitar did not exceed 4500 francs in 1997! And yet it's a guitar in a much more expensive. It's a guitar in the style. And not in a large series of Ibanez or Epiphone.
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  • linfalaslinfalas

    Washburn D97 LTDPublished on 03/05/09 at 06:34
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    - Korean manufacturing, solid wood: body, neck and sides mahogany, spruce (= sustainability, sound projection), limited edition of 2000 copies in the U.S. controlled.

    - 19 frets (what a dreadnought!, No piezo or microphone).

    - Mechanical oil bath chrome Grover 18:1, rosewood bridge bonded, Anchors cords Rosewood, Abalone benchmarks.

    - Handle section D, flatten in the center.

    - Flawless finish to justify the seriousness of the reputation of Korean workers. The score of 9 is justified by the fact that it is a guitar produced industrially. However, this is still one of the small series.


    - Steep, very steep. The neck is thin, the coating slips perfectly, but t…
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    - Korean manufacturing, solid wood: body, neck and sides mahogany, spruce (= sustainability, sound projection), limited edition of 2000 copies in the U.S. controlled.

    - 19 frets (what a dreadnought!, No piezo or microphone).

    - Mechanical oil bath chrome Grover 18:1, rosewood bridge bonded, Anchors cords Rosewood, Abalone benchmarks.

    - Handle section D, flatten in the center.

    - Flawless finish to justify the seriousness of the reputation of Korean workers. The score of 9 is justified by the fact that it is a guitar produced industrially. However, this is still one of the small series.


    - Steep, very steep. The neck is thin, the coating slips perfectly, but the stiffness of the neck can be corrected by deep-draft of Strings: 13-56 recommended. Calosités required, good also for plainement to speak.

    - Access to acute accordance with the standards of this type of guitar

    - Ditto for ergonomics: for soloists, missing the cut side but its sound characteristics do not guide them to it.

    - Sound? our sound but no SOUND! superb sound projection, we can refine the game now but it is aging. I bought it new in 99, the wood was still contain some moisture is needed more than now attack the strings.
    She displayed a very good sustain, but this is exceptional when it comes into the room where she is, you can hear the cash come into resonance, and the strings sing me j'vous'l 'says she is alive!

    The sound is deep and defined bass, bright treble, mid back which reinforces the side of the lens.

    Beautiful arpeggios, you be surprised to leave lasting marks, just for the beauty of sound. Sound projection gives all its legitimacy to its use for support.


    I play with the Irish folk: the use of open tunings such as DADGAD significantly reduces the sensation of stiffness of the neck.

    So for my use, it justifies his note (and this is an excellent resistance exercise hi hi hi!)


    - Purchased in February 1999 in Balances, Fr 3200 (€ 475) with Washburn gig bag. I took the
    photo illustration so that you see is mine!

    - What I love most: o its course! The vieillissempent that reveals the quality of the wood.
    o My salesman who knows always advise me (although I
    already knew the model)

    - What I like least: the stiffness of the neck, but since I got it! (Then
    quality and sound projection offset this defect)

    - It's a good quality / price ratio because it has access to the sounds of a large and
    I save the subscription to the gym!). This is a guitar with the qualities of
    building to enable it to continue and to bonnifier time.

    - With experience, I plussoie my choice then! While I have a bias for
    Washburn (because I also has a power that I love, see my review). To this
    time, no Chinese market, no €, you could buy quality guitars
    affordable ...
    These days, hard to find a good guitar, made elsewhere
    in India-Indonesia-Philippines-China-Malysie with less than solid wood
    500 € uros ... (May be next door to the Cort? And again ...)
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  • kensukekensuke

    A find, fantastic sound

    Washburn D97 LTDPublished on 05/24/10 at 15:02
    1 photo
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Although in the opinion rsum Previous


    The handle: Ouch begins its drive, its still hard, and pi one gets used over time. In fact the handle is sacrment hard, it takes a lot of training on the beast before the master. It's hard to win a handle on who resolutely wants his guitar is the height before touching it.

    An access to acute joint has all the dreadnoughts, normal, and pusi not a guitar solo so who cares. (I grade all the same, it is of course possible to soloing, but we have already let a lot of exprience)

    Ergonomics: Excellent, we pose and we are very slight pleasant ^ ^, it does not get tired right arm.

    Do you get a good sound easy? Actually no, it's diffi…
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    Although in the opinion rsum Previous


    The handle: Ouch begins its drive, its still hard, and pi one gets used over time. In fact the handle is sacrment hard, it takes a lot of training on the beast before the master. It's hard to win a handle on who resolutely wants his guitar is the height before touching it.

    An access to acute joint has all the dreadnoughts, normal, and pusi not a guitar solo so who cares. (I grade all the same, it is of course possible to soloing, but we have already let a lot of exprience)

    Ergonomics: Excellent, we pose and we are very slight pleasant ^ ^, it does not get tired right arm.

    Do you get a good sound easy? Actually no, it's difficult takes time, but good god when you do it is wonderful, you know why it has bav sound is magical, but it must MRIT (question of habit of exprience or grip strength left)

    I note 6 / 10 regardless of price, I note taking exception to a guitar (at a nice takamine, the upscale Cort etc etc)
    if we take into account its price (500, 250 in my case) the guitar is 8 or 9 without problem. But we must take into account the stiffness of the neck


    Suit my style? N o_O

    SOUND is the sound, there is no style, glue everything and whatever its face sounds of thunder.
    This guitar has a `worthy of its high-end guitar (I have tested before you buy a Cort has 800 and a Takamine 1100 and none of the valleys in terms of sound quality)
    This is a content A veritable pearl in a shell that difficult to open, fucking stick ^ ^

    My sonority prfr: its incredible and its crystalline lime gives a harmonic beauty gal (I never heard her on a gibson o_o) I play a lot on her. The rhythm game, has a rel-scale fund rsonnance really gets into action, we obtain a round, very well Dfine a boundless quality.

    The sound that I like it: y 'is not. IT IS HIS


    I use frquemment for 8 months (in the city, in parks, in my guitar lessons)

    The +: a magical sound that suits all with extreme wealth
    the -: a handle difficult to master
    We agree this is not a beginner guitar, I play for 2 ½ years, but I really work. Soloter is another piece of cake, I manage to get out some legato but it takes really a hand muscle.

    I try and Cort takamine much more expensive, certainly does handle much more enjoyable, but oddly the sound does not follow, I want a guitar with his left his magic has hurt me a hand.

    Price: 500 new, I was lucky I chop a closed music store has 250 new. I tested once, its just a price I have in the day, you should not miss it.

    Is what I would do this choice without hesitating, I would buy if I had seen a 500 and even if it was worth 700. The sound of this guitar is featured on guitar Vallant over 1000 easily.
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