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Roland TR-626
Roland TR-626

Drum Machine from Roland belonging to the TR series

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Published on 01/18/05 at 07:28
It is in my opinion the drum for the sound of the 80s and the advantage of the audio output is not bad there are two drum sounds in one way gnrale and very lctro the other very basic with a powerful kick in the acute and quite round and a good mate and Deutsche fund fawn billie jean micheal jackson.
toms are trs realistic but lacks a bit of reverb.


The manual is clear and easy to use and program the machine is easily


Personal I used this machine for a whole album because it is the sounds I need to make the East 80's funky music all sounds are super safe! percussion and ride cymbal.


I use this machine for 3 years and frankly it is not expensive at all I recommend it for the funk 80, slows, The variety and some cool rock.