Roland TD-6KX - batujl's review
translatedIt has been two months since I used toms and mesh skins are really more than ralistes caoutchoux slabs. In addition, the ride offers an excellent sensitivity, which is good because it makes a diffren…
Roland TD-8 Module - Kelerm's review
translatedI use this material since 2004, What I enjoyed most is the simplicity of the module, DIFFERENT rglages, the possibility to play with or no effect for me is no, the sound is more raw remains closer …
Roland HD-1 - Apotre's review
translatedI've had just one week. install the drumkit in an apartment Obviously electronics is de rigueur for those want to practice at home. I dj jou on a lot of Roland in the store, TD3, TD6 ... t and I…
Roland HD-1 - lam_da's review
translatedHmm ... I'm not not really agree with the previous negative reviews. Perspective and must look for which this drumkit is! I tried it in stores. The product is intended for this client in my…
Roland CY-8 - JBshark's review
translatedHello, I just read the advice below etj'ai exactly the same problem! I bought the TD3-KW in October 2006 (1 year ago ending for then) and I see a few months dgradation of the surface state (markin…
Roland TD-3 Module - ksa's review
translatedMODEL is the entry level in the v-SERIES td drums. He has 32 drum kits, entries for the kick, the snare, 3 toms, 3 cymbals, 1 hihat + controller. It is equipped with a midi in and midi out one (it do…
Roland TD-6KX - Mamaz's review
translatedI could use in my studio with a TD3 snare mesh skin for 3 months, frankly, that's happiness. (If your budget is limited you TD3 satisfied, you will not due) But if you have the possibility with the…
Roland HD-1 - Laughincow's review
translatedI am a pro drummer and nice to me this kit to practice certain movements, control stick, etc., big problem, Resistors of the bass drum pedals ... No bounce, forgetting sixteenth ;-( ( my question:…
Roland TD-10 - cariacou's review
translatedI used the Roland TD-6V for 6 months when I found a good deal on (United States), unfortunately I had customs charges on it, so it came back to the same about prices. has the ignition, I …
Roland TD-6V Module - Sunshine91_'s review
translatedI have my drumkit for 4 years now and I ss fire of my module. I mean to the price you will not find better. Yamaha Exceeds
Roland VH-11 - Kelerm's review
translatedI discovered this is a first draft What I love most, The fact that ragisse as an acoustic, its easy to play and look very like his cousin acoustic. Least, For now nothing is too rcent. I…
Roland TD-3KW - saverny's review
translatedHello, I used the last 15 days but that was a while since I had already tried the. AND it does not make much noise Obviously, though my neighbor trs boring it must be said, and came to see me. (I t…
Roland TD-12K - BlinkoRn's review
translatedI am a young trs owner of this model which is the TD-12. Jou have more than 4 years on a Yamaha Xpress2, as you say, I felt the diffrence ... I jou on all batteriesdu store before DEFINITIONS crack o…
Roland TD-12S - pit07's review
translated- How long have you use it? For a little over a year now. - What is the particular feature you like best and least? The least: the size of the pads. See those of the TD20. The low number of co…
Roland TD-6KX - Percolardon's review
translatedI use this little gem for about a month. I'm really not disappointed! The mesh skin on the toms and snare really absorb shocks on the sensors and provide a better bounce. It is a pleasure to play …