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All user reviews for the QSC PL224

Dual-Channel Power Amp from QSC belonging to the Powerlight 2 series

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  • bombasstick(974)bombasstick(974)

    QSC PL224Published on 05/01/07 at 10:00
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I use it for 3 years and never a problem
    the advantage of this amp is a power decoupling longer need to worry about the legality of the tension. There the switch has three positions for the rise time also it is equipped with an internal filter, the only problem is that it is divided on both channels, a voice is the low end and the other takes relay to the top.
    I turned with great amp and is sure he is not at a LAB-GRUPPEN but considering the price there is nothing to say we can torture him he does not flinch
    Now I used the amp back as four or tired it takes all its value because of the voice output of the A Speakon 4 points is fed through the inlet A and B ie A input of +1 / -1 and in…
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    I use it for 3 years and never a problem
    the advantage of this amp is a power decoupling longer need to worry about the legality of the tension. There the switch has three positions for the rise time also it is equipped with an internal filter, the only problem is that it is divided on both channels, a voice is the low end and the other takes relay to the top.
    I turned with great amp and is sure he is not at a LAB-GRUPPEN but considering the price there is nothing to say we can torture him he does not flinch
    Now I used the amp back as four or tired it takes all its value because of the voice output of the A Speakon 4 points is fed through the inlet A and B ie A input of +1 / -1 and input B +2 / -2 So I draw a single line by hp amp and I switch behind the back along the path desired. Indeed the VS15 from home HORTUS you can choose through the switch to switch to either channel Speakon
    I recommend it to all those who want to simplify the wiring back LIVE especially time saving for installation and dismantling of the economy excluding cable
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  • Yann-LoicYann-Loic

    QSC PL224Published on 05/26/09 at 05:46
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I use the 224 for 3 years but it has 1 more year on the odometer.

    NO Service!

    It's really enjoyable as an amplifier by a relatively versatile power (for my use) for these filters or the famous Speakon 4 points linking the two channels.
    As announced just before, I work with HORTUS PROMANN which also benefitted from a switch to select the desired power.

    Even if a few large providers PL3 me the board or a "Vortex" for the purposes SUB (find them a little Lger point of view of a punch), he is doing very s good as well when my systm is in Ttes SUB + 15 "passive" than just the SUB 15 in active mode.
    For the heads, he also sought not all my expectations in terms of return on medium ra…
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    I use the 224 for 3 years but it has 1 more year on the odometer.

    NO Service!

    It's really enjoyable as an amplifier by a relatively versatile power (for my use) for these filters or the famous Speakon 4 points linking the two channels.
    As announced just before, I work with HORTUS PROMANN which also benefitted from a switch to select the desired power.

    Even if a few large providers PL3 me the board or a "Vortex" for the purposes SUB (find them a little Lger point of view of a punch), he is doing very s good as well when my systm is in Ttes SUB + 15 "passive" than just the SUB 15 in active mode.
    For the heads, he also sought not all my expectations in terms of return on medium rather Treble. To be honest, I even exploiting its power not so much the performance is good.

    Before that, I'd never buy real amps "pro" o the fact that I am also particularly pleased. However, I could have used the MX series thanks to its traditional power supply provides a more pronounced serious.
    Now, I start discovering these competitors at PSU dcoupage lab gruppen Camco and which still seems to have better things but this is not the same price so ...

    The price quality ratio is really very good PL224.

    Also, I even doing my maintenance, it is very pleasant talk.
    Easy to CASC, a simple cleaning is done very quickly and efficiently.

    If c'tait again: without hesitation.

    My next evolution will be to use this amp only for heads Promann (o gives the best) and then by a UNESCORecords PL3 or other Vortex Subs for trusting providers that m 'to give things and besides, I bought this amp.

    A 10 would be perfect but n'tant not an "audio confirmquot; he would not have great value.
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