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Visio Shop VS 200

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    Proper amp for the price!

    Visio Shop VS 200Published on 04/06/13 at 07:36
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I bought it in 1995 at a price of 1500 francs, one of the cheapest at the time for a 200 Wrms.
    What I like +, the output terminals of red and black,
    which avoids breaking records at the end of cables HP by accident.
    I use it since 1995 it never fell down? (Animation 11am to 4am without interruption twenty per year) so for me it is reliable!
    It is still running 4 ohms and no problem, no audible distortion.
    It has a big fan that I replaced, I found it noisy!
    What I like least entries "RCA" asymmetrical, but I've never had a problem either on this side or the moment you use good quality cables.
    If I had it again, I probably would buy it but now there are nine amps cheaper and esp…
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    I bought it in 1995 at a price of 1500 francs, one of the cheapest at the time for a 200 Wrms.
    What I like +, the output terminals of red and black,
    which avoids breaking records at the end of cables HP by accident.
    I use it since 1995 it never fell down? (Animation 11am to 4am without interruption twenty per year) so for me it is reliable!
    It is still running 4 ohms and no problem, no audible distortion.
    It has a big fan that I replaced, I found it noisy!
    What I like least entries "RCA" asymmetrical, but I've never had a problem either on this side or the moment you use good quality cables.
    If I had it again, I probably would buy it but now there are nine amps cheaper and especially smaller, but it is a good deal if you find in secondhand at low cost I think 50 to 75 € it does!
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  • rocc62rocc62

    Ok 8 ohms, 4 ohms, but not

    Visio Shop VS 200Published on 01/22/12 at 07:01
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    My opinion on the amp MV100 (equivalent VS100) vioshop home / your musically.

    While the technical protections announced all: in reality no speaker protection relay. No fan (I put myself using 2 ventilos 12v PC power supply separated by transformer).

    8 ohms, correct.
    But at 4 ohms, high-volume hp my cracked. a kind of distortion sound despite my hp were double capacity watts rms compared to the power of the amp. SAV back and back with the same worries. I ended up selling it to a friend who was only two 8 ohm speakers.

    The peak of LEDs are the same as the operation lamp output hp (yellow hp powered, flashing orange peak).

    The interior: full of emptiness, I think the chassis is t…
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    My opinion on the amp MV100 (equivalent VS100) vioshop home / your musically.

    While the technical protections announced all: in reality no speaker protection relay. No fan (I put myself using 2 ventilos 12v PC power supply separated by transformer).

    8 ohms, correct.
    But at 4 ohms, high-volume hp my cracked. a kind of distortion sound despite my hp were double capacity watts rms compared to the power of the amp. SAV back and back with the same worries. I ended up selling it to a friend who was only two 8 ohm speakers.

    The peak of LEDs are the same as the operation lamp output hp (yellow hp powered, flashing orange peak).

    The interior: full of emptiness, I think the chassis is the meem for the MV200 or MV300 but they are probably more electro and protections provided.

    When we turn off the amp, the LEDs (yellow) output HP slowly die out.
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  • bluenight37bluenight37

    always works and never fails

    Visio Shop VS 200Published on 08/26/11 at 17:15
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    It works very well, I have a pair of speaker 350W
    for 14 years. I have an average 20 nights a year.
    j've always protected my amp with a limiter (currently Alesis 3630.
    The sound is good with a low price