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AKG D 112
AKG D 112
mosky mosky
Published on 10/14/07 at 15:05
Micro Instrument "Grave", bass, drums .....


I have a few months, and I use it in rguliairement sound, especially for the bass drum.
Ms. on bass drums plutt "low", see like "cardboard box" that gives trs good feedback, besides, my drummer uses it even in the rpt to magnify the sound of his bass drum.
As a bassist, a few years ago at a concert, I was put in front of a D112 amp and I have good memories.
May be not the best in the studio (though) but for live it is one of the best microphone for kick drum, bass comes right in the stomach and is losing the ......;-) Socks

Ben 3 years I have always, and I always used .... and without regret, for the bass drum associated with a Shure Beta 91 is right up there on a Floor Tom was walking a lot ...

I also used to borrow a bass and I heard for the first time the sound of a bass in all its glory, made over a year now and it m ' still talk about it when I crossed musicos in question, say!