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AKG D 770
AKG D 770
fluctus fluctus
Published on 09/10/04 at 03:29
Micro dynamic versatile vocals / instruments.
Bandwidth: 50 kHz 15 (1st SERIES) 50Hz 16 kHz (2nd SERIES).


I use AKG D770 2 of THE FIRST SERIES since their release. The sound is warm, full: it's concurrency lo'ppos Shure SM57 which is against the clear plutt or sour.

To stay in comparison with the SM57:
Tone, warm sound, but a lightweight sail on the mdium (SERIES 1), for against the D770 is trsrsistant pop noise (more than a SM58 is to say). Adapt aggressive vote to avoid pops: rappers and other "screamers."
-Guitar amplifiers: the SM57 is more aggressive, the D770 is more round. 2 All are suitable for this purpose, with a personality completely Different.
-Snare: although it remains usable, the D770 is here trs below the SM57. Too round, it lacks the incisive ct of SM57, which remains the undisputed standard in the Contents.
-Drums (toms, djembe, etc.): more comfortable than on the snare o indtronable SM57 is the D770 a heat amne serve or harm, depending on the source, because it goes hand in hand with a lack of lightweight DEFINITIONS. So to avoid mtal, but try for the Blues.
-Brass: a warm, round, well suited even if it lacks a bit of precision. The grain is much more enjoyable than the SM 57 on such sources.

It is the entry level, but with the quality AKG. A rugged microphone, which "cash" good. The bandwidth is correct without being standard, and the warm grain faitpardonner his lack of lightweight DEFINITIONS. Compar micro equivalents srieuses brand, the AKG D SERIES sounds warmer (but less Dfine) that Audio Technica Midnight Blues, and much better than Dfine s Shure Prologue Series.