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The T.bone MB85 Beta
The T.bone MB85 Beta
DeepEternity DeepEternity
Published on 03/11/09 at 17:03
Micro-dynamic cardioid
-Mainly for singing
-Comes in a plastic housing and a clamp
-Copy of Shure Beta 58 (SM58 corresponds to that of MB85)
- 38
Guarantee 3 years
- 9 / 10 for the clamp from Shure ... But for the price ..



I ran a test with 4 micro aprem this: SM58, Beta 58A, T.bone MB78, MB85 and our beta!
The Shure Beta 58a remains at the top of this classification level quality sound / solid. The sound of Dfine MB78 is normal for a static but more fragile, therefore it is deprecated for our dear singers metallic)! The output level is also more lev .. Feedback Beware! The SM58 is over now! With its quality and some default;)!

Now come to our star the MB85! And good for 38! This mic is really thundering! Certainly less bass (and blur ..) that the SM58 but the sound is more Dfine. Look a little less robust than Shure but this price rise as a park with an SM58 or Beta 58 (see both!) And the rest in MB85.

PERIOD In a crisis, not hsiter on the purchase of this microphone! ;)