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1 In Cubase EastWest Bösendorfer VST gets muted every time I try exporting audio and stays muted afterwards
Since I first installed the Bösendorfer VST I am troubled by the annoying issue that for some reason I am unable to export audio in Cubase from the track the VST is placed on. Whenever I attempt it the VST becomes unaudible for the rest of the session (though it displays output in the piano interface). Freezing the track has the same result. :???: Interestingly enough when I recreate the track with all the same elements without copying the initial track, I am able to do both things without an issue. That´s why I came to the conclusion that the problem is likely not caused by the VST itself but somehow by the track it is placed on. Unfortunately I was unable to find anything in the settings that would explain why the track behaves in such a way. Has anybody had a similiar issue? If you you know a solution, please tell me what I can do. That would be highly appreciated, thank you :!: