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< All Desert Dust Guitars Dinah Classic Bass P-Bee reviews
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Desert Dust Guitars Dinah Classic Bass P-Bee
Desert Dust Guitars Dinah Classic Bass P-Bee
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AfterMitch AfterMitch

«  Dinah Classic Bass P-Bee "Deep Black" From the very, very heavy! »

Published on 06/28/14 at 07:23
Made in France. Wilkinson bridge and a rosewood handle 20 boxes. Regarding microphones 1: J-1 and P-Bee bee by CreI Pickups. The sound is there! Balanced and upright. That's a real good LOW Rock n Roll with a tone and volume balance. Semi Hollow body.


A SPECIAL handle! A pleasant boulevard and fast access to acute is excellent just what I'm looking is here! There is nothing else to say it must have on hand to understand. In short try to adopt it!


Regarding the style of music it is placed well for rock n roll! So there it sends wood! Other styles do not scare him but he must go quiet as she goes and you follow.
Everything is perfect a shot on a micro scale and it gives you a different sound! Sound Punk Funk sound through the Groove but there! We must go slowly! And it is not easy because I always want to get into it.


I since January 2014 and I play with every day. I had Musicman and many others but there! I would not change more!

Long live Desert Dust Guitars because you're the best!