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Fender Pawn Shop Mustang Bass
Fender Pawn Shop Mustang Bass

4-string bass guitar from Fender belonging to the Pawn Shop series

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Published on 02/02/13 at 16:53
It is a Mexican, which takes the characteristics of a Fender mustang bass de1969 either: a handle short scale (30 "), 19 frets, body Mustang and scratches. The big news is the Fender humbucker of same type of telecaster bass in 1968 but placed halfway rather than near the handle. So it is a short scale bass boosted the sound. For electronics, nothing more simple, passive, a volume, tone and basta!


First impression, a very decent violin, a little like the Mexican upscale between 750 and 1000 euros, the handle is good enough varnish on the back, on the model I tested, however, the junction maple neck / key Rosewood was improved, but that is if you quibble ...

Second printing, the bass is really nice to take in hand, to feel the strength of four strings with a round 34 "or 5 to handle 35" we end up forgetting how it can be based on a play short scale.

For all the rest just falls under the fingers, a sense of ease and well finished and balanced work makes this model mustang pawnshop recommend immediately!

For those who love the side "straight to the point," the fact that little Fender perfectly, microphone, volume, tone, plug and go. We sometimes forget how modern active bass can be complicated to deal with their myriad switches and pots!


If I had to describe the sound of this bass would be: punchy and round. This is probably why it differs from its model of inspiration. We did not feel like playing on a mustang or MusicMaster. Here, there is no shortage of absolutely low, the fat humbucker suits him perfectly, and I am tempted to say that this solves this equation violin complicated = less short scale bass. Microphone placement halfway avoids the somewhat muddy found on the EB-0 and 3 Gibson while maintaining a subtle balance between bass and harmonics. The tone can remove the suspicion of very aggressive Fender for a perfectly round without being dull.
Where some find it hurts (yes, there is always something to criticize) is the lack of variety in sounds typical of a Jazz bass with the bridge pickup, and to some extent the Precision more loaded down mediums. It lacks a bit of growl and treble singing well. Less versatility so certainly more dedicated to pop and rock, but no matter as it stands finally enough other models of Fender bass to earn his rightful place. What is certain is that it leaves no one indifferent and I almost left with!


I tested Pigalle store, a good preamp and TC Electronic I enjoyed the following:
- The look (yeah, with 69 mustang stripes, it does!)
- The simplicity of this bass sounds with a large dynamic as the fingers immediately pick
- The pleasure of playing on a short-scale without losing the definition of E in the bass
- The violin careful that shows how Fender Mexico became good

I liked least:
- The price to 750-800 euros without cover, I think Fender sells very expensive for what many people will a second low, it may dissuade more than succumbing to an exotic short-scale humbucker +
- Handle slumps, small body forces
- You can get tired of the lack of variety of sound