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Fender PB70-70US
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Jean_lancon Jean_lancon
Published on 05/07/03 at 20:26
Made in Japan, this low, buy new in December 2002, is one of the rplique qu'taient the Precision Bass in the mid 70s.
The main particularity is the handle end, extremely enjoyable because the usual thick handles Precision often does a handicap for me.
The microphone is amricain type, which makes this bass a rplique almost perfect "real" Precision amricaines of the era.
I buy from Ishibashi ( http://www.ishibashi-music.com ) , and it came back 700 EUR all inclusive (shipping, VAT, customs, etc..) is - to say little more than a Mexican.
It is a Precision, with relatively few features, a classic but very versatile.
So despite the potential limitations, I put a 10 because it no n'achte Precision for 5 pickups and an electronic active.
It's olympic white color with black plate, a beautiful look that you can see here on my profile ( https://fr.audiofanzine.com/membres/?idmembre=2763 ) .


The handle, as I suggested, is a rgal. The game is fast, Access in acute done everything comfortable. The bass is quite lgre, which n'tait not always the case with the original era. It is perfectly balance.
Ct's nothing saying it is a Precision!


I use this bass with an Ampeg Rocket Bass B-100R, mainly to play covers of old standards (rock, blues, soul, etc.)..
Nothing dsagrable report, on the contrary, find the sound of Jamie Jamerson and Donald "Duck" Dunn is easy.


I use this bass for 5 months, alternating with a Music Man StingRay 5-string.
The ratio quality-price is my opinion excellent. I have a lot of jou Precision before it, including "vintage" amricaines, and they did nothing more than mine in terms of sound and playability
If c'tait again, yes I would do without a shadow of a hsitation.