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Ibanez ATK300 [2007-2010]
Ibanez ATK300 [2007-2010]

4-string bass guitar from Ibanez belonging to the ATK series

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ropongi ropongi

«  Not bad ... if we are lucky »

Published on 02/22/11 at 01:31
Manufacturing Indonesia, it is the color model "natural" with black plate, so Marcus Miller. Maple handle.

The general appearance is engaging (and beautiful!) But if we look closely, the finishes are limits, bruises in the wood under the veneer ...

For details, see the Ibanez website or other notices.


On the handle, I have a story talking about the lottery exotic fabrications: I spend in my favorite mag with the idea of rapertir with something other than a Fender Precision (that I love but want to change to not die silly ;-) There are 2 identical in stock, I tested one and it's ok. The seller told me to take another because it lacks pots (apparently stolen) on the first. So I go home with the second Ibanez, untested but identical to the one I liked, and there, big misery: the frets are so prominent that the bass was unplayable! So back to the mag the next day to exchange standard, with big doubts (which never leave me) to my purchase ...
The sound is punchy


to perfection, located mainly in the spectrum midrange / treble. Difficult to have low mass, even after adjusting the amp (a vintage Hohner indestructible that has seen many lows) This is not a fault per se, just know by buying the instrument.
The handle is rather Mastoc, maintenance well in hand, and is perfect for big bass lines rock. on the other hand, for acrobatics modal will require a lot of training and perseverance ... and then resume its JazzBass;)


The pros: good handling, comfortable feel and strong presence of the instrument in a mix. Aesthetic success, bass quite original.

The -: average finishes (is there a quality control from the factory?) Finally bit the versatile 3-band despite the pavement.

The ratio Q / P is interesting ... the moment one comes across a nicely finished lower. Seen since my misadventure (see above), how many people who bought this bass on the net have felt cheated?
Okay, it seems ATK Japanese are much better, so to test.

Bass kept a year anyway, some recording group, and then resold to return to a Fender PB. Back to basics what ...