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Stagg BC300 A
Stagg BC300 A

4-string bass guitar from Stagg belonging to the BC300 series

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Published on 02/26/07 at 18:32
No idea of ​​the origins, 24 frets, the pickups I know anything, it's just not that great!
5 settings, medium severe acute pickup selector and volume.


The handle is quite nice, access to acute is simple, the bass is well balanced and light.
to get a good sound, the amplifier must be unique, after all depends on what you call good sound.


They should have a lot of styles, except the slap.
I use a Fender Rumble 15 amp, and uses a pedal OD / distortion ibanez home (PD7)
are not great with all the configuration that we can try!


it should be about 6 months I use it if I had to choose again, I do not that would do it!
I like the general physical appearance of the low except black pots, mechanical and black!
value for money is not good.