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Status Graphite Energy

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  • bassiste49bassiste49

    Status Graphite EnergyPublished on 03/01/04 at 08:23
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Made in Britain, well varnished wood trs, frets well assembled and good quality. Microphones aligned, no burr wood. Channel-containing graphite, very easy rgler. Mcaniques oil bath prcises trs. Nut a little fragile (weak) and bridge simple but effective. The map of the strings is standard, so we can do without the double slap s'emmler clips sugar.


    We stick thin and well in hand, glides well. The frets do not hurt the passage of a dmanch. The cords are adjustable in height, they are 1.5mm me, and do not frieze !!!!! The buttons are prcis and found the right sound at once.


    Serious death of mdiums as it takes and what to treble. Ecletique really trs, tr…
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    Made in Britain, well varnished wood trs, frets well assembled and good quality. Microphones aligned, no burr wood. Channel-containing graphite, very easy rgler. Mcaniques oil bath prcises trs. Nut a little fragile (weak) and bridge simple but effective. The map of the strings is standard, so we can do without the double slap s'emmler clips sugar.


    We stick thin and well in hand, glides well. The frets do not hurt the passage of a dmanch. The cords are adjustable in height, they are 1.5mm me, and do not frieze !!!!! The buttons are prcis and found the right sound at once.


    Serious death of mdiums as it takes and what to treble. Ecletique really trs, trs but when the same comfortable slap, elctronique active forces. The slap was a deep and percussive. Otherwise game comes up very easy and relaxing if one has a shallow draft Thurs. Harmonics are Christalin, sustain no end, the volume of each string is the same. Trs a good bass for the recording studio.


    I would love to try the 6 strings. Anyway, I never sell my 5-string energy. It's a low premium trs, trs solid, pretty easy to play and sound great. Do you like Marcus Miller, in trifoullant well, you can almost have the same sound with your fingers.
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  • ChrismarChrismar


    Status Graphite EnergyPublished on 08/25/11 at 09:12
    1 photo
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    4 strings produce energy status in England
    round covered wood / graphite 24 cases
    2 double coil micro hyperactive status
    Controls: volume, balance and Bost / cut treble


    run super fast like the thick handle of a stratovolcano
    low the perfect balance
    access to acute is most easily
    quick access hatch for the battery
    for most settings is simple and very fast.
    I put the strings in trace elliot 35-90.


    Style of music, it all depends on the person behind
    sound, hua, whether for the slap, jazz, or else this is good, no brainer
    at the beginning I played a peavey tnt catastrophe at high volume
    after I played on a marshall DBS 7400 + 7410 t…
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    4 strings produce energy status in England
    round covered wood / graphite 24 cases
    2 double coil micro hyperactive status
    Controls: volume, balance and Bost / cut treble


    run super fast like the thick handle of a stratovolcano
    low the perfect balance
    access to acute is most easily
    quick access hatch for the battery
    for most settings is simple and very fast.
    I put the strings in trace elliot 35-90.


    Style of music, it all depends on the person behind
    sound, hua, whether for the slap, jazz, or else this is good, no brainer
    at the beginning I played a peavey tnt catastrophe at high volume
    after I played on a marshall DBS 7400 + 7410 there was great and I got the best part was the
    and right now on a Trace Elliot V-type with 4x8 still great


    I have nearly 10 years.
    my jazz bass is passed to the closet may from time after its acquisition.
    positive: the handle, the microphones and with the carbon that does not move at all
    negative: nothing
    nickel money if I compare the instrument made in United States
    If I had to do the same with the addition of an S2 5c
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  • bernie_006bernie_006

    Status Graphite EnergyPublished on 08/31/09 at 12:06
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    it was made in great britain
    I know the easel may not be a floyd or wilkinson finally it does its job in any case
    wooden handle with graphite
    24 frets
    3 knobs: volume, tonalities bass / treble, balance


    the handle at nothing to repeat a true super comfortable boulevard top Top

    This rather low light compared to my current Ibanez BTB 670, which weighs particularly weight, ergonomics is Elele it falls very good balance.

    good access to acute

    the sound is the key to the strength of this excellent low in both the slap that the walking bass


    excellent sound as say + or walking bass slap up game or fingers: good, good

    I like what gives her…
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    it was made in great britain
    I know the easel may not be a floyd or wilkinson finally it does its job in any case
    wooden handle with graphite
    24 frets
    3 knobs: volume, tonalities bass / treble, balance


    the handle at nothing to repeat a true super comfortable boulevard top Top

    This rather low light compared to my current Ibanez BTB 670, which weighs particularly weight, ergonomics is Elele it falls very good balance.

    good access to acute

    the sound is the key to the strength of this excellent low in both the slap that the walking bass


    excellent sound as say + or walking bass slap up game or fingers: good, good

    I like what gives her the totu


    I bought one years since the hand in a store cash something ..

    yes if it represent this without pb

    what I love about this bass is that mouth while she colored wood of the mouth while being sober, not so seriously vosu find one to buy because vosu enter the big league
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