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Vigier Passion III
Vigier Passion III
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raoul-omni raoul-omni
Published on 05/16/08 at 05:34
I will not rpter which t crit below. Mine is a 5 string in 1993, blue (body and head). Channel crossing by two braid-reinforced carbon. It is strictly original and PSE by a lightweight rapprort my other basses.


Ergonomics, the alli lgret an instrument in the background "easy" take over. The handle is formidable rapids. I regret, somewhat, the map of strings at the right hand I have AIM on April 1 equivalent strings. Even if the bridge that allows rglage, the width of the button at the top of the handle is not enough unless you take the risk of dragging the G string cot of the band with your left hand.
The range of sounds is not stretched trs, trs sounds are right (clinical) and modern. For games slap or tapping (with a low action) is of formidable efficiency. When the fingers to play there is no need "to get into it" for a ring. To have a big sound "rock" just add a little lower mdium using the boost and the legalization parameter.


Played on many amps (SWR, Ampeg, Fender, etc.) has always rings. Do when even imagine finding the sound of legendary instruments, wooden old Fender, a grain MM Stingray, but it's also what makes his characters and his personality. This bass can go from one game to the fingers, slap a game or tapping without changing rglages, which is a rare quality: the sound spectrum, from low to high, still offers an exc DEFINITIONS slow.


Purchase in 2007, she came beautifully complter the panel of sonority that I wanted to get complter that of the Fender Jazz Bass Fretless Fender Roscoe Beck V and I possde. That's what I prfre modern characters but regretted the insufficient spacing of the strings at the right hand. This choice and well rflchi silent because I do it again without hsiter to broaden my palette of sound.

If the violin can justify the price, the quality of the tui is unacceptable for an instrument in this range!