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Warwick Corvette Standard Bubinga
Warwick Corvette Standard Bubinga
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pifpaftagaga pifpaftagaga
Published on 04/07/08 at 09:58
Good went to the site of Warwick is more accurate than me ^ ^

If not that I draw from the bag (sold plus 2 staplocks, warwick wax for maintenance and adjustment tools) I could not hold a WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOA!

Just demo, everything is perfect violin of quality (can be too) and ca be see!


The handle is bizarre that takes it and we regret that after all the sleeves do not like that sooient: thick, wide highway, but a love Verata frankly no probs, compared to my old cort the more I print from my fist through. No pain is a real happiness. After I understand we can not love me but I do out of it! : D The acute are relatively simple to access, in. I had a problem to alle ...

THE parcontre's body: it is a perfectly sure there is no problem sitting upright as you do not feel and, miracle for me, it is balanced perfectly! (Yes because my cort slumps but frightening)

The sound is easily (very) easily adjustable and regalges are very simple: three knobs, one volume, a micro balance and tone. SimpLite but very effectively, in addition the small Warwick's well-consuming reasoning. I ... I ... (drool)

ok good weight is a bit high but frankly I expected really more with the other opinions ... It does not touch me so that I even my 10 ;-)


Playing mostly slap I'm in heaven, it is the bass for slap: snapping in the acute and resonance in the bass.

After games with fingers and plectrum are still sublime sound do little warm, crystalline fat, ... scalable to infinity! I have not even tried everything but the main type of music (rock, metal, Funck, jazz) it fits perfectly, I had a problem in..

I use it with an Ashdown! Really excellent nay, the best brand of amp! Quite simply I am buying a new account soon and gonna c ***!

Alle 10're still crazy


Frankly I won this bass, I got 750 on the T (website very experienced but shhh no ads) and perfection either in terms of delivery, order tracking, reception ... Perhaps they will have for sale a ashdown soon ^ ^

My favorite is the bass: D na serious sound and form just perfect
At least I do not even my weight which for me has really not been a problem ... Can to the other if ... He Ho play sports if you are not happy! No, but it looks like the guitarist of their instruments has plaignat 2G5 ^ ^

I try and listen in. hurt low before the command: yamaha 2, a fender p-bass, an Ibanez, a PLO, a Cort, and perhaps other but I do not remember ...

I would do the even chose it again because the quality / price is really good.

Well I know that perfection is not of this world but we will make a small entorce the rule has another 10! : D

I'll let you can be in touch with the time of what this magnificent bass ;-)

And remember: it's THE SOUND + Ashdown Warwick! Yeah!