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DigiTech RP200A
DigiTech RP200A
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Tomgoldschmidt Tomgoldschmidt
Published on 03/05/07 at 10:39
Largely given elsewhere: I note that the machine still gives an impression of solidity.


Configuration and editing simple and logical. Sufficient manual (in English only, in my experience). I wanted to highlight an unusual use: effects for harmonica (diatonic blues anyway). The idea was given to me by a harmonica player from the United States, which is selling Digitech settings, he uses himself. For $ 15, I experienced and some of these "patches" are actually very useful. See site


Again, my purpose is not that of a guitarist, and I have little experience of effect pedals. Most effects seemed to me very correct, we must take it easy with the feedback delay, the reverb can be used without further but this is not the strong point. The difference between some virtual amplifier (Blackface and shop) seemed huge (size and distortion).


After two weeks of experience, I am satisfied with my choice, especially for a pedal that I paid, nine, 85 euros. I use a microphone for harmonica "Bottle o 'Blues" and send the output to a small Roland Cube CM-30. This weekend, I Strenna formula on stage for a few solos for harp, my colleagues and the man musicos sound which dub the CM-30, were happy. Positive results.