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Zoom G2
Zoom G2

Multi-Effects for Electric Guitar from Zoom belonging to the G2 series

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Published on 08/11/08 at 06:02
Value For Money : Excellent
Compact multi-effect pedals numrique.
Editable via 3 knobs.
Entrance, exit, outlet adapter and an entry for external expression pedal I think.


Trs easy to use but is best read the instructions because the name of abrviation effect are not always clear or the use of controls.

You can find everything: Noise gate, compressor, modulation, amp and simultaneous saturation, reverb, transposer and the unusual effects as a violoning.

Editing sounds is bone simple.
Manuel clear but boring to read.


There are convincing effect as reverb modulation distortion are dirty but even with the noise gate definition could I find them.

I play mostly metal is I served in the effects loop of my amp (Line6 SpiderValve) as a pitch shifter or octave (more rarely).


I have been around 9 months and I t deu by the distortion (that's only I bought the base) but I quickly learned to appreciate other effects as modulation or auto wah. I use mostly traspositions effect is polyphonic.

The price quality ratio is good because you have to admit that there are many things in for 100.