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Trying to find out how much i could sell a fairly used Rouge ST-4

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Topic Trying to find out how much i could sell a fairly used Rouge ST-4
well its a red and white rouge st-4 by squier, dont think i spelled that right mind my spelling bad grammar, any way like it says in the title, fairly used i payed 100 bucks on craiglist for it, i think i spent a little much on it do to the fact stores are selling it for 75, im thinking i could get 25 for it, but i could use some advice from others on how much i could get for it, any advice would be helpful, and thank you to who can give some advice

[ Post last edited on 03/20/2014 at 08:43:09 ]

I would suggest searching online to see what ST-4's are selling for used, and base your price on what seems to be the going rate, factoring in the guitar's condition. Good luck!