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Tip for learning and transcribing guitar (or any) solos

  • 6 replies
  • 5 participants
Topic Tip for learning and transcribing guitar (or any) solos
Audacity is an awesome free audio program with many features. One that I just stumbled upon in order to improve as a guitarist was its ability to slow down an audio file's tempo while leaving the pitch unchanged. It's really cool, and it's free so you have no reason not to try it out!

Hey thanks! I dunno why but I often overlook Audacity for other toys, but it's really a great tool. Now if you could find something that could isolate and slow down the tempo of an individual instrument (for when there's just too much going on)....THAT would be a real game-changer! :D:
Just realized, Audacity is so successful that here's what Audacity.com looks like (click on it and you'll understand why I find it hilarious)
icon_facepalm.gif Oh my

try :

It's not about what you got to use ....    but how you use what you got...

[ Post last edited on 10/22/2014 at 02:01:24 ]

Just realized, Audacity is so successful that here's what Audacity.com looks like (click on it and you'll understand why I find it hilarious)

That is funny. The other Audacity (the one at audacity.com) seems annoyed at the confusion ("We DO NOT Make Audio Software"), although they were kind enough to provide a link to the audio software's actual domain http://audacity.sourceforge.net/.:mdr:
Quote from Mike:
Just realized, Audacity is so successful that here's what Audacity.com looks like (click on it and you'll understand why I find it hilarious)

That is funny. The other Audacity (the one at audacity.com) seems annoyed at the confusion ("We DO NOT Make Audio Software"), although they were kind enough to provide a link to the audio software's actual domain http://audacity.sourceforge.net/.:mdr:

Lol that's the best part! Not only do they not include any information about their own business, but they automatically assume that people coming to their site don't want any part of their business, so they redirect to the REAL Audacity. Saves Audacity the hassle of buying a domain name if these guys are going to just redirect users anyway :lol:
Quote from angelie:
icon_facepalm.gif Oh my

try :