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LTD VB-200
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berdeforcal berdeforcal

«  surprising »

Published on 08/22/12 at 10:36
baritone guitar with most features, the wood of the body is agathis but the pickups have been changed by the person I bought it, and this dear gentleman had the brilliant idea to mount seymour duncan blackouts


sleeve: very good, not fat, I do not find long
Ergonomics: Good, I play sitting down, I do not have problems with guys who play with sg standing with head dips
access to acute: perfect
sound: these micro SD blackouts are a killer, it is a mixture of vintage heat and kick ass emg is great.
The sound of the guitar is good, but I think with the original pickups that do not .... I wonder why I have not bought a baritone earlier, it's great! GRAND


I play with a blackstar HT5 with electro harmonix cathedral, a deluxe memory boy and a metal muff. It is great to clean as distortion, it is my style of gun club lamb of god through the velvet and alice in chains, this guitar filled everything is great, the Agathis is not a good wood but with my sd blackouts + effects, no one can realize that it is a low-end scratch the base. I have an ESP mirage emg and alder, this is the same family, the handle is larger on the viper but thinner than my gibson, vacuum is very dull, I think it is because of the agathis, but with these great microphones (mics the best I've ever had), good effects and a small all-tube beast is top


Well, I'll be back in some time to get back, but I do not understand why Baritones are so used