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Yamaha DTXtreme II S
Yamaha DTXtreme II S

Electronic Drum Kit from Yamaha belonging to the DTX series

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flamalex flamalex
Published on 05/01/06 at 01:33
Re bjrs,
I am again after several months, since I had the opportunity to test some tt ca, I learn every time I Triffouille a bit. (I'm not often at home, PCQ on the road), but I spend a little time I get home.

I now have a smart media card 128, hard drive to have this one, be a very long book.
I test the "WAV" can be recorded as 95 seconds in mono, the module and then make a copy, but apparently you can not save it directly on the memory card !!!????! !

I also test the South, in fact I wish to from the PC, MIDI sequencer, to drum module, save the sequence, but not through, the record keeps returning to a particular page is a brothel without a name, I think I now have a card reader on the computer, for transferet directly on the card memory, but I wonder if that is possible otherwise.
guitarist with my colleague, we would like to add a bass accompaniment noon, when I get to hear a good, low pass in the module, but to save it is something else.
if you have a tip for those little questions, I will take.
a bientot