TopicPosted on 03/03/2015 at 08:00:13telecaster 4 way wiring modification
I've never modified my guitar and have had the same mexican-made tele (wish I LOVE) since I first started playing around 9 years ago.
I came across this modification and it seems easy enough. There are even DIY kits available on Amazon. The cool thing is, it opens a whole new world of tone. Instead of having 3 options (neck pickup, bridge pickup, or both in parallel), it adds a fourth where the neck and bridge pick ups are activated in series.
I listened to some audio clips and it seems like an awesome way to fatten up the tone without spending more than 20 bucks and some elbow grease.
Mike Levine, I was wondering if you've ever modded any of your guitars, or if you know of this mod or anyone who has done it? I need some tips but I REALLY don't wanna mess up the only electric I've ever owned. I love my tele
Mike Levine
Site Admin
Member 11 years ago
2Posted on 03/04/2015 at 19:35:39
I am not exactly a whiz bang with a soldering iron, so I've avoided trying to mod my guitars -- I value them too much.
If I were you, I'd leave any modding to a trained professional, unless you're really comfortable with messing with the guts of your guitar.
Got lots of friends who've modded their guitars, a few who have done just this. If you have all the gear (soldering iron included) and some basic soldering skills, and it's actually one of the easier mods to do.
Goes without saying that if you don't feel confident, and love your guitar, then don't take the risk, but in case you haven't already, check out this video to help you decide whether or not it's doable: