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Published on 03/06/10 at 12:30
12 audio input, 10 channels for output.
I would not spit on 16 tracks the input, but with a mixer
next to re-inject the battery, it gets everything they want. So
finally enough.
2 entries amplified facades, and 2x2 midi ports.
Stables.Prévoir drivers to transfer a regedit before all traces of old drivers
previous sound cards that could make the PC unstable (to the wise for those
who have complained about this card. Clean your registry and try again, you
may be surprised ...)
The VU meter on the front are handy, as the switch. It's really convenient.
No worries alim.
At first they fussy, and after a while, when we find the config settings and hardware,
ben nothing to say there's more!
I record on 12 tracks with my groups and I have almost no latency. It works
really, really, really well trèèèèèèèèèèès!!
models are very good. However, it does not catches up bad microphones.
In use with Cubase, I am 100% satisfied
Installation: I deliberately spent time to clean my registry because I read
there were risks that it does not work.
So count 30 minutes for it to be clean nickel. 5mn frankly, to make quality, I do not
not count. Not credible.
Today I have a mega system stable and I have spent time, but whatever audio or vst,
I like performance of the Mac in terms of reliability.
Bin here all I said.
Mr Hercules say, when you take out a 24/18, let me know.
If made in the same mold as the 16/12, you'll put a box of 20!
I would not spit on 16 tracks the input, but with a mixer
next to re-inject the battery, it gets everything they want. So
finally enough.
2 entries amplified facades, and 2x2 midi ports.
Stables.Prévoir drivers to transfer a regedit before all traces of old drivers
previous sound cards that could make the PC unstable (to the wise for those
who have complained about this card. Clean your registry and try again, you
may be surprised ...)
The VU meter on the front are handy, as the switch. It's really convenient.
No worries alim.
At first they fussy, and after a while, when we find the config settings and hardware,
ben nothing to say there's more!
I record on 12 tracks with my groups and I have almost no latency. It works
really, really, really well trèèèèèèèèèèès!!
models are very good. However, it does not catches up bad microphones.
In use with Cubase, I am 100% satisfied
Installation: I deliberately spent time to clean my registry because I read
there were risks that it does not work.
So count 30 minutes for it to be clean nickel. 5mn frankly, to make quality, I do not
not count. Not credible.
Today I have a mega system stable and I have spent time, but whatever audio or vst,
I like performance of the Mac in terms of reliability.
Bin here all I said.
Mr Hercules say, when you take out a 24/18, let me know.
If made in the same mold as the 16/12, you'll put a box of 20!