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RME Audio Fireface 400
RME Audio Fireface 400
poinj poinj
Published on 08/20/08 at 00:59
Value For Money : Excellent

High-quality preamps ....
Home studio use, combined with a mac book pro
Excellent preamp for microphones, line-in for good bqsse and guitar ....


Use simple, more complex if we enter the TotalMix ...
No problem of compatibility,
Manuel concise but adequate ...


Here it close to perfection, at my level .. (theater, model ...)
no regular updating but when it works ... what is the
No lag ...
for the time I recorded the tracks with max 6 8 tracks readings without any worries ...


I've had a year I tried a good quality sound card, can evolve (ADAT) input output.
I combined with the Quad Mic RME from home and there for 1200 euros (the price of the 800) we are left with 6 high-quality preamps and 2 more identical high impedance input. In other words, more than enough for most home studio.
I think it was worth the money, and I do not change when I sold 100,000 albums and I would have a studio at home.
I would do this choice without a doubt; reliability, sound quality, format ...
One of the best sound card market in this price range ...