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B.corde Chiltone CG7-153
B.corde Chiltone CG7-153
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djfalou djfalou
Published on 10/31/06 at 07:56
- Purchased mid October, received a little over a week later. I tested for several days.

- My brief was as follows: A pair of speakers (only) by 38cm (I make my car benefits, so small size), power about 500W / sides for versatile sound: discomobile + some mini performances of songs (school fans), and especially sound quality and finesse for the best price.

- Configuration: a pair of 153 with replacement of the APT by a couple DE10 + ME10 for more than a reserve in the upper midrange and treble (for singing). Used with amp PEAVEY PV 2600.

- My opinion: very dynamic speakers in all: Good bass not aggressive (even fairly round) and down quite low, medium, neither forward nor back (personal, I removed a little (-3dB) to EQ, as I prefer the lower midrange down), acute perfect. Pregnant very well balanced overall, as three-way what!

- Models owned by: Dynacord FE 15-3 that I regretted a lot because it was very dynamic speaker but the bass were slightly too aggressive for my taste and especially pregnant too heavy (> 40kg).

- Model tested: Audio PS115 Ag (Not fine enough for my taste), Audio C2R Q115 (the best mid-high tried but not enough bass boxes needed) Audiophony E15 (I almost bought some but the series GC7 are still well above a price just different), JBL JRX115 (too rough, a bit like Cerwin Vega PA), Nexo, Martin Audio, RCF too expensive for me ...

- Value / price ratio in my opinion, it's easy, after a year of research is the best I've found for that price.

- Do not hesitate to contact Samuel rope, very good audio culture and very good advice. Especially do not forget that other speakers can not catalog or at least it can change them at your convenience.

- The only points that do not make me put 10/10, weight: 32 kg or 30 still good but I knew before buying, and the fact of not being able to try them in the provinces, damage, I have several months to make up my mind but I do not regret it.