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Apple Logic Pro 7
Apple Logic Pro 7

General Sequencer from Apple belonging to the Logic series

Dr Pouet Dr Pouet
Published on 12/29/05 at 15:04
To see copies of screen ... (Http://drpouet.free.fr/LogicP7/LogicP7.html)

Here: https://www.apple.com/support/logic/
It can download any manuals ("Logic Pro 7 Plug-In Reference" and "Logic Pro 7 Reference Manual") in any LGAL. You will have all the precision of the features! ;)
French version: https://www.apple.com/fr/support/logic/

And the tutorial is missing, do a search in the support with the words cls "logic tutorial" will find:
<p class="bbcode-cite"> Quote: <span>The installation is done it without problem?</span>

Yes. Tested on: Powerbook G4 + OSX 10.3.5, upgrade to Logic Pro 6 to 7. No problem.

<p class="bbcode-cite"> Quote: <span>Did you encounter any incompatibilities?</span>

If you have Logic 6, it is good to version 6.4.3 in Tlcharger Emagic that will open the songs saved with Logic 7 (you never know, may or help dpanner diagnose weird stuff).

In addition, most manufacturers of plug-ins (especially Native) made updates to their plug-in (to finally meet the standards fixed by Apple). By default, Logic does not load plug-ins that do not pass standard tests of Audio Units (you can force it, but means that the problem is fear).

In short, my recommendation: put OSX days, installing Logic 6.4.3 (if adj Logic), set days to plug-ins before installing Logic 7. Then apparently all is well.

<p class="bbcode-cite"> Quote: <span>gnrale configuration is easy?</span>

Yes. It is also clearer than before: the entire runic paramtrage is better in one window orders.

<p class="bbcode-cite"> Quote: <span>The manual is clear and sufficient?</span>

Former silent dj not bad, but it profondment t overhauled. Instead of having a big hand for the trs squenceur and effects, and for lots of small instruments, there are now 2 large one for the squenceur, and for plug-ins (effects + instruments).

It&#39;s clear and synthetic. There are over 600 pages by hand, but keep in mind that the hardware synth o one would have 50 pages of explanations, explanations of the same synth in Logic are in résumé 10 pages. So it&#39;s dense and does not constitute an introduction to the technologies used (subtractive synthse by modlisation, dithering etc ...)


<p class="bbcode-cite"> Quote: <span>What is the configuration of your computer? (Motherboard / CPU / Ram / Disk / sound card ..)</span>

Powerbook G4 1.33 GHz, 1GB RAM, 80GB disk.
Uses: Often with the internal sound card, a little less often with a Motu 828mk2.

<p class="bbcode-cite"> Quote: <span>The software works he correctly on this configuration?</span>

Few crashes, but a little more with the latest version of Logic 6 (a somewhat normal given the important revolutions). I also think that there are some "glitches" that were not audio with Logic 6, but I have not yet investigated (it may be CPU overload, but m&#39;tonne a little).

<p class="bbcode-cite"> Quote: <span>What performance? (If quantifiable)</span>

Similar Logic 6. A dozen instrumentals virtual parallle (without freeze). Obviously adpend plug-ins, unless a with large (synth modlisation physical (= sculpture) or rverb convolution (space designer)), and with the lightweight stuff ( EXS24 sampler ...)

<p class="bbcode-cite"> Quote: <span>This software + hardware configuration is stable?</span>

Yes, it is usable. But that would be a return to the level of Logic 6!


<p class="bbcode-cite"> Quote: <span>How long have you use it?</span>

2 weeks

<p class="bbcode-cite"> Quote: <span>What is the particular feature you like best and least?</span>

This evolution brings many good things: markers and especially the names of the chords in the Arrange window is a real treat (expected!), We can use loops fawn Acid (= apple audio developed countries), and apple loops (both audio and midi) can follow the chord changes (disables for tracks like the battery).

Atttendus plug-ins: EQ narrowly (as the famous "Akai pitch right" or "Antares autotune" but I can not judge the quality), Guitar Amp Simulators ... nice plug-ins: ring-shifter, dformateur voice ... a nice synth: EFM1, waited a synth: analog battery (ultra-beat), an impressive synth trs modlisation physical sculpture.

Tools: sinesweep to its own convolutions in space designer, WaveBurner for burning Red Book format.

Inconvnients of secondary texts and new windows a little pokey, zoom buttons (fawn final cut) a little crappy ...

<p class="bbcode-cite"> Quote: <span>Have you tried many other models before acqurir?</span>

No, I do not have many points of comparison because contaminated by dj Logic 4, 5 and 6.

<p class="bbcode-cite"> Quote: <span>How do you report qualitprix?</span>

Trs trs advantageous!

<p class="bbcode-cite"> Quote: <span>With the exprience, you do again this choice? ...</span>

Yes, hsitation!