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« Full featured and intuitive, great price for beginner. »
Published on 12/27/18 at 08:29
Best value:
I'm running it through Windows 10 on a really old and cheap Dell Optiplex 360 (which also cost about 60 bucks). It runs fine most of the time, the PC stuggles when pushed, not a fault of the software - I had it happen with other DAWs I was testing.
The video tutoirials are a real plus point for me. I just dip in to get the bit of knowledge I need - pretty comprehensive for a low level user like me.
Good native included plug ins and support for external so no problems on that score, unlike some other free/cheap DAWs.
Can't pick out any really 'unique' features. Does at least what other ones I tried. I looked at Ardour - both Linux and Windows, Studio One, Tracktion and one more whose name escapes me (sorry). Reaper is best for me by quite a way.
The video tutoirials are a real plus point for me. I just dip in to get the bit of knowledge I need - pretty comprehensive for a low level user like me.
Good native included plug ins and support for external so no problems on that score, unlike some other free/cheap DAWs.
Can't pick out any really 'unique' features. Does at least what other ones I tried. I looked at Ardour - both Linux and Windows, Studio One, Tracktion and one more whose name escapes me (sorry). Reaper is best for me by quite a way.